5 Ways to Naturally Increase Your Energy Level

1. Check your Vitamin D level (“25 hydroxy-vitamin D”)

At least 50% of people today seem to be low. Aim for having your level approximately in the middle of the reference range (not at the lower end), and see how you feel. Supplementation may be needed; choose a quality product that uses Vitamin D3.

Health Basics Vitamin D3 Liquid Drops

2. Increase animal protein (eggs, fish, chicken, meat) at breakfast and lunch, and decrease the carbs (breads, potatoes, etc)

Raw Beef Steaks

Beef Steak

3. Drink more water

Especially when you first awake and then between meals, not so much with your meal.

Drink plenty of water

Stay Hydrated

4. Check for the possibility of water damage or mold in your home

The toxins from these organisms can be very disruptive to your health and sink your energy.

Moldy Ceiling

Avoid Mold

5. Ensure at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a quiet, cool, dark bedroom

Keep all electronic devices (including cell phones) at least 3 feet away from your head.

Man Sleeping With Baby

Stay Well Rested

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