5 More Ways to Naturally Treat Constipation


1. Food Combining

Foods digest differently. If you have a weak digestive system, combining certain foods at the same meal can result in incomplete digestion, with constipation as one of the consequences. Try following these rules for a few days:

  • Eat fruit all by itself, at least an hour before a meal and 2 hours following a meal
  • Combine animal protein (meat, poultry, fish, eggs) only with non-starchy vegetables – no grains/starches/high carbohydrate foods (breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc)
  • Combine starches/high carbohydrate foods (breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc) only with vegetables – no animal protein

2. Digestive Enzymes

Since weak digestion often results in constipation, you may find that taking a good quality digestive enzyme with each meal (at the beginning is preferred) improves the constipation as well as giving you more energy.

3. More exercise, movement and activity

A sedentary lifestyle is a sluggish lifestyle, and a consequence is often sluggish bowels. Do not sit for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. Get up, do some task around the home or office, or just stretch and walk for a minute or two. Try for daily walks outdoors with an aim of increasing the length of the walk every few days if you find that you can’t initially walk for a very long period without getting very tired.

4. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly in peaceful environment

This alone can have profound consequences (in a good way) by improving your ability to digest the food properly, absorb more nutrients, and begin to have better daily elimination. Evaluate your eating habits and work at making this adjustment. This is the way that we are intended to eat our food!

5. “Squatty Potty” or similar

Our bodies are designed to empty the colon from a squatting position, rather than from a sitting position. Try one of several available products that you can use in your bathroom to elevate and angle your legs to simulate the squatting position.

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