Federal and state government agencies are growing ever more aggressive in their attempts to block your rights to choose the food you eat

Ajonus Vonderplanitz, nutritionist, and founder of the non-profit group, “Right to Choose Healthy Food,” has created an innovative new method to supply his members with raw milk and other healthful foods while avoiding the bullying of the FDA and various state agencies attempting to shut down raw milk dairy farms.  In short, “Right to Choose Healthy Food” is an organization that leases the land, animals, and rights to all products produced by small farmers, in order to supply those foods to its members while avoiding regulation-related commerce, food packaging and labeling and a FDA ban on selling raw milk across state lines.

What the government’s motivation is in harassing small farmers who produce organic products is up for debate, but the only conclusion I can come to is that they are acting at the behest of big agribusiness.  As consumers become more educated and aware of the myriad risks related to pesticides, growth hormones, GMO foods and other factory farming techniques, big business just doesn’t want you to have a choice other than to buy their tainted products because they cannot compete on the merits with an educated consumer.  Through their multi-million dollar lobbying budgets, senseless regulation of natural foods (including raw milk) is promoted which in turn provides ammunition for the FDA and other government agencies to harass small natural farmers out of business.

The bottom line is that, given the unfortunate current state of things, sometimes it takes real work, effort and inconvenience to find and purchase healthful foods but it is worth the effort.  Also, it is becoming increasingly important that we, the citizens, continue to hound our congressmen and other government representatives and voice our distaste for pointless regulation of natural foods that are far superior to their big agribusiness counterparts.

Read more here: http://www.grist.org/article/food-want-raw-milk-Lease-a-farm-and-hire-a-lawyer

To locate natural food sources near you visit: The Weston A Price Foundation, The Campaign for Real Milk and RawMilk.org

If you are a local reader in the Chester County area try: Maysie’s Farm, Paradise Pastures in Paradise, PA or Life Enhancing Acres in Bird-in-Hand (the latter two are Amish farms and do not have websites).

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